
Silimed is recognized for the quality and safety of its products, for its collaboration with plastic surgeons, and for producing products that meet the individual needs of patients.

Silimed's main interest is to provide satisfaction and wellness to its customers, and therefore it provides innovation, such as the pioneering printing of serial numbers on each implant, facilitating product traceability. It also provides benefits to customers, such as the Silimed Product Replacement Program (PSPS).

Silimed Satisfied patients

Patient Card

To offer even more safety to patients, each box of Silimed implants is accompanied by a patient card, on which the plastic surgeon or the team labels the serial number, reference and volume of each implant. Therefore, this card must be kept by the patient who has undergone the surgical procedure with the insertion of a silicone implant and must be presented by him before mammographic examinations or mineral bone densitometry. In the event that the patient wishes to undergo surgery to change the silicone implant, this card must be presented to the plastic surgeon to select the new implant.

Silimed safety for patients


Always with the objective of the safety and well-being of our clients, Silimed acts with transparency, providing important information for the knowledge of patients.

Patient Registration

Silimed products are always monitored, even after they are sold. If you have purchased a Silimed implant, please fill in your patient, product, and surgery information so that we can update your record and better serve you, the patients. Please remember to ask your plastic surgeon after surgery for the patient card that is sent in the implant package.

Silimed register