Implants for Body Contouring

To meet the needs of plastic surgeons, whose vocation is to promote the well-being of their patients, Silimed offers a complete line of body contouring implants, developed in collaboration with renowned surgeons. These are unique models that adapt to the buttock and calf regions and better simulate the tissues in these target areas. This line of products stands out in the market for the technology used and the high security profile.

Gluteal Implants

Only Silimed gluteal implants have the perfect combination of the dimensions of the base and the projection that adjust harmoniously to the anatomy of the region, providing a satisfactory result for the patient.

These products are produced with a resistant elastomer membrane, filled with 100% medical grade, high performance silicone gel. Because it is a region that suffers constant impacts and pressures, the gel has consistency and hardness developed to resemble the tissues of the area⁹ and maintain resistance.

Silimed Body Contouring Implants Shape Gluteus Quartz

Quartzo Gluteal

It has an oval base, high projection and smooth opaque surface, obtained through differentiated technology. The Gluteal Quartzo implant is indicated for those who have a hip shape, where the height is greater and the width less.

Silimed Round Gluteus Shape Body Contouring Implants

Round Gluteal

It has a round base with a smooth, shiny surface. Ideal for those with a hip shape, where the height and width are similar.

Calf Implants

Designed to get closer to the anatomy of the region with an asymmetric base, it is filled with high performance silicone gel and with the ideal consistency for the intended area.¹⁰ It is indicated to correct the inequalities or irregularities of the legs.

Silimed Calf Shape Body Contouring Implants


  1. IUP 006-01-LP-EC: Gluteal Implant - Silicone Gel - Smooth Surface.

  2. IUP 003-01-L-EC: Calf Implant - Silicone Gel - Smooth Surface

  • Product information available in the FLH 108 R03 - Products Catalog - DIST