Linha Glúteo Forma Quartzo

Quartz Shape


  • oval base
  • high projection
  • opaque smooth surface


  • high projection
  • For hips where the height is greater and the width is smaller

Available on surfaces:

  • Smooth Opaque

Gluteal Line

It has an oval base, high projection and a smooth opaque surface, obtained through differentiated technology. The Gluteal Quartz implant is indicated for those who have a hip shape, where the height is greater and the width is smaller.

Silimed Implants Body Contour Gluteal Line Quartz Shape


Silimed Gluteal Implants Smooth Surface


Studies indicate that the type of implant surface can directly influence the outcome of the surgery:


Made of a mechanically resistant silicone elastomer membrane with low-bleed treatment, which contributes to less transudation of the gel.

Silimed Differential

Only Silimed gluteal implants have the perfect combination of base and projection dimensions that harmoniously adjust to the anatomy of the region, providing a satisfactory result for the patient.

These products are made with a tough elastomer membrane filled with 100% high performance medical grade silicone gel. As it is a region that suffers constant impacts and pressure, the gel has consistency and hardness developed to resemble the tissues of the area and maintain resistance.